Tuesday, December 02, 2008

when's it appropriate/acceptable to start listening to christmas music? cause i've gotten mixed reviews on this. one person i know *cough*(joshua)*cough* has been listening to it since the end of october, and some people tell me mid-december is the earliest you can start. not that it really matters, i'll listen to it in the summer when i want to. who's started yet?
ps: michael buble rocks my socks!!


Johanna just caught a tear from the sky said...

wow your blog still exists?! oh no... what happened to the photo of the fridge...? is that what it was?

anyhow, I haven't started the Christmas music thing yet... my unwritten rule is I wait until the evening i'm putting up Christmas decorations, which I haven't done yet. But really I think anytime after December 1st is fair game... Only Colucci could listen to Christmas music at the end of October...

And listening to Christmas Music in the middle of the summer is like going someplace warm during the Christmas holidays. Wrong!

John said...

haha no, it was the clothes dryer not the fridge. don't put food in it, please.
and the josh i was talking about btw was my brother josh, not colucci. i actually haven't seen colucci in a long time...

kathleen said...

yeah december 1st is the accepted time to start.

but personally... i think once it starts to snow you can start listening to christmas music.

Johanna just caught a tear from the sky said...

ohhhh that josh, right. Now it makes sense